
People & Community

The people that make our business what it is, are all around the world as well as in our Harrogate office and factory.

Gender empowerment

Securing the future of our industries means being committed to the empowerment of women within our supply chains.


Community development

We’re committed to investing in the communities that grow our tea and coffee and we’re lucky enough to partner with suppliers and farmers who are working hard to help the communities they’re based in to thrive. We invest in initiatives that are designed to drive positive change and we work closely with our suppliers to make sure that they make a real difference in the long term.


Living Wage & Living Income

We know the importance of providing a living wage, that’s why we’re working with IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative, the identify the living wage gap in our supply chain and work together to close it. 


Snaizeholme with the Woodland Trust

Our relationship with the Woodland Trust spans almost three decades and out commitment to planting trees will continue well into the future. We’ve recently partnered with The Woodland Trust again, this time on a special project close to home.