Our Sourcing Academy visit Kenya

Roughly a 2 minute read

“Plucking tea with Peris, touring the factory, tasting a rainbow of teas, visiting the Kenyan Tea Research Institute and topping it off with a Christmas celebration at the highest point of the estate. The passion and enthusiasm of the group and our suppliers at this point on the trip was infectious and without doubt my fondest memory.”

- Gina Stringer — Senior PR Manager

“We have an amazing relationship with a suppliers and we also care about the livelihood of our farmers. When we asked Charles, Director of Imenti Tea Factory, what he valued in our relationship he replied I only know Taylors buyers personally and that’s so important to me”.”

- Sara Wroblewska — Discovery Operations Developer

“Simply paying more for our tea and coffees doesn’t address some of the key issues that affect the people that work the hardest right at beginning of our supply chain. Seeing examples of our sustainability projects first hand has highlighted to me how Taylors make a difference where it is really needed.”

- Jeff Cantwell — National Account Manager

Last updated 22nd January 2020